Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blood Boiling

You guys, I am a people pleaser to the extreme. I like to make people happy and it frustrates me to no end when people don’t like me. That being said, I am the least confrontational person ever. You might think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. This summer, I went out to dinner with my parents and ordered broccoli. When the waitress brought out my broccoli, there was a dead fly laying in it. Did I say anything to the waitress? Nope. I was perfectly content with just letting it be and not causing a scene. I didn’t want to make the waitress uncomfortable! Like, seriously? Think about that. I was willing to sit with a deceased insect in my food because I didn’t want to make someone uncomfortable.

This may sound like rambling, but I have a point (sort of). Today I almost punched a lady in the throat. I’m being semi-serious. It takes A LOT for me to get riled up and speak up for myself. So here’s the story. I parked in visitors parking, where the usual fee is $3 per day, with a lost ticket fee of $5. I get in my car, grab my ticket, and pull out $10. Because I am an over thinker, I sat for a minute and debated on whether I should hand the lady the ticket and then the money, or hand her both at the same time. (Yes, these types of things really go through my mind. It’s exhausting). Once I got to the window I decided to hand her both the money and the ticket at the same time, figuring it would save both of us a few seconds. The lady proceeds to take the ticket, stamp it, and put it in her pile of tickets, all while talking to some other guy working. She then looks at my $10 and says, “okay, that’ll be $5”. Normally, I wouldn’t say anything, but I was confused. I asked her why it was $5 and not $3 and she said “because you don’t have your ticket”. I then calmly explained that I had just handed her my ticket. This is when things got heated. She then told me that I had not handed her my ticket and that it was $5. I did NOT appreciate being accused of lying, so I explained to her that I handed her my ticket and money at the same time and that she had already stamped my ticket. Then, the nosy mcnosypants other worker chimed in saying “I didn’t see you hand it to her”. EXCUSE ME?!?!?! I decided to let it go and just pay the extra $2, so I told her it was fine, and to just charge me $5. She then went on to again tell me I hadn’t given her my ticket. LEAVE IT ALONE, LADY. At this point, I think steam is literally coming out of my ears. I defend myself and explain that she had already put my ticket in her stupid unorganized stack, but that I didn’t care and would be willing to pay the $5. THIS LADY HAD THE NERVE TO CHARGE ME THE $3 AND THEN TELL ME THAT SHE WOULD LET IT SLIDE THIS TIME, BUT THAT I WAS CHEATING THE SYSTEM (ALL WHILST THE MAN IN THE BACK KEEPS CHIMING IN THAT HE DIDN’T SEE MY TICKET)

I can’t go on. My blood is boiling just reliving this moment. I can’t even form coherent sentences right now because the little vein in the side of my neck is threatening to pop out. This is the point where I wanted to jump out of my car, punch them both in the throat, say a few words, and drive through the gate.
Like, I have been thinking/speaking/feeling in CAPS LOCK ALL DAY LONG BECAUSE OF MY RAGE!

The moral of the story is: I can deal with a dead fly in my food, but when some crazy stupid lady accuses me of cheating all because she isn’t paying attention to her job, I CANNOT DEAL.


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