Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stuck in Reverse

I am the most sentimental person I know. I also have one of the most ridiculous memories out of everyone I know. These two traits combined can be very interesting. For instance, I can hear a song that I heard 10 years ago while driving down the road with my mom, and I can still tell you exactly what road and intersection we were at when I heard the song 10 years before. This leads me to say “Aww! Remember that time…” after almost every song while my friends roll their eyes and assure me that normal people don’t remember those sorts of things (Sorry to all my friends who have to hear this constantly).  I’m not the kind of person who can take a stroll down memory lane. I take more of a camping trip down memory lane, stopping for a while and observing and taking in everything before moving on. I’m not the kind of person who should watch old home videos or look at old pictures unless I am willing to be emotional and daydream about my childhood for the rest of the day. But yesterday I did just that.
It started off simple, with me and my roommate sitting on the couch looking up YouTube videos of childhood TV shows. We watched countless videos of the various Mary-Kate and Ashley shows and sang along to the songs (embarrassing? yes. no. maybe?) I then proceeded to look up videos from the Big Comfy Couch, another one of my favorite shows from when I was younger. My roommate and I then got into a discussion about our childhoods and she said that she enjoyed her childhood but she wouldn’t want to go back. This threw me for a loop, seeing as how I would give almost anything to go back to 3rd grade again. But then I realized and remembered that most people enjoy living their lives in a forward motion, enjoying each event as it comes and then moving on. For some reason, I tend to get stuck in the past. I never enjoy a moment as much as when it’s over, and then I look back with envy, wishing I could go back. I think that is oone of my biggest flaws. I’m 22 and I have a good life; I have no major complaints. But what I would give to go back to the time of Nintendo 64, Matilda, sleepovers, happy face pancakes, fruit roll ups, and make believe. And yes, it was fun to go back and watch some old videos of childhood shows, but I really need to be learning how to live in the present and appreciate what I have while I have it and stop living my life wishing there was a rewind button. But what can I say, I’m a work in progress. And suggestions are welcomed.

*PS- I used to and still might be obsessed with the Olsen twins and played Mary-Kate and Ashley Detective Agency when I was younger. I would always be Mary-Kate. always.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid this comment was delayed by my too singing along with the videos. I'm amazed by how quickly the words came back to me. It's been YEARS since I've watched anything Olsen twins related.

    As for the living in reverse, I think we all tend to do it sometimes regardless of what we say or how hard we try to live in forward. All we can do is try our best.
