Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Lone Left Dimple

Today’s post is extremely random, and I apologize in advance. But for some reason I was thinking about dimples today. Why do some people have little dents in their cheeks, while some people don’t? Why do some people have 2 dimples and some people only have 1? What is a dimple? Here are some answers, since I know yall are intrigued now!

-Most dimples are actually caused by a birth defect, which just goes to show you that not all “malformations” are actually bad!
-The genetics of dimples is actually rather interesting. Dimples are a dominant trait which means that it only takes one gene to inherit dimples. If neither of your parents has dimples, you shouldn't have them either, unless you experience a spontaneous mutation. If one of your parents has dimples, you have a 25-50% chance of inheriting the gene, since it means that parent inherited the gene from one or both parents. If both of your parents have dimples, you have a 50-100% chance of inheriting the gene, depending on how they inherited their dimple genes.
-Some people only have a dimple on one side; this physical trait can actually be rather endearing.

I don’t know if either of my parents have dimples, so I’ll be sure to ask next time I talk to them. Also, it’s apparently rare to have only one dimple, which I have on my left cheek, but since I’ve been asking, a lot of people I know have only one dimple.

There ya go folks. Some facts about dimples, since you were dying to know.

  My poor lonely left dimple is so noticable! Why has this never bothered me before?!?!  


  1. I like your random posts. I don't think I have dimples but I don't think I've ever looked or really noticed if I did or not.

  2. i also have one dimple on my left cheek none of parents have it pretty sure they dont why do we have them then ? lol

  3. ^ You were adopted.

  4. I have one dimple,both my parents have dimples and I have a twin sister so I think she stole my other dimple...

  5. Ha I totally sympathise with you, I have a small dimple like crease, on my right cheek when I smile, but annoyingly no matching opponent to go on the other side..maybe you can see a smallwe dimple but its not a matching one, its lower and smaller, so is there such thing as odd dimples?

  6. I have a dimple and its on my left cheek i did some research 90% people have dimples on both cheeks but only 10% have dimples on one cheek like me

  7. I have one. None of my parents have, but my mum's sister has one and my mum's dad had one, no one else we know of. Guess it genetic in my family:)

  8. One prominent one on right cheek...a lower indent that is someone faded on left side lower corner....

  9. I have a prominent dimple on my right cheek,and very faint indentation on left that is different and not quite the same,which follows a deeper indentation on lower side of my left face. Asymmetrical to say the least. In some cases left side indent is not seen at all. Which makes me crave symmetrical cheek dimples like most have.

  10. I have a dimple on my right cheek, my mom also has one on her right cheek, it's inherited. └( ^ω^)」
