Hey friends,
This will be a brief post. I just wanted to ask that you pray, send good vibes, wish...whatever you do...for my little friend Aiden. He is 8 years old and has already been through so much. He is a liver transplant recipient and also has dysautonomia (a condition which I also have)! He is such a brave and sweet boy who is very sick right now. Currently, he is in the hospital with a line infection in his port, which is literally very close to his heart. Having bacteria in such a large amount near your heart is very dangerous, not to mention that Aiden is already immunocompromised due to his liver problems. He is a sweet boy who deserves to be happy. And believe me, with Aiden it doesn't take very much to make him happy. For as much as he has been through in his 8 years, he is an extremely resilient child and is one of the most encouraging and optimistic people I know. So please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as the days go on. I would appreciate it, and I know his family would as well.
P.S. -If you would like to stay updated on Aiden's health, I am posting a link to his CaringBridge page, which his mom updates quite frequently. http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/aiden/history.htm
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