Many things made me think of this topic today. First off, I have a random Twitter follower who has messaged me "Happy Father's Day" 5 times today. I researched, and apparently it actually is Father's Day in Spain, so thank you, random Spanish follower friend, and Happy Father's Day to you too? And second of all, I spent a wonderful day downtown, hanging out with MY dad today!
I don't know how many people can honestly say that one of their absolute favorite people to hang out with is their dad...but I can. I know it sounds cheesy and very cliche, but it's true. My dad is super laid back, in fact I can only think of 2 times that he has been legit mad at me. Once was when I didn't change the channel fast enough and once was cause I called my mom a bad word. The first time was just man-PMS or something, and the second time was totally deserved. But anyways...my dad has such a good sense of humor and has somehow found that perfect balance between being my friend and being my parent. We do lots of fun little things together, so I decided to compose a little list. So here's a list of some of my favorite things to do with my dad:
-eat ice cream while watching Celebrity Fit Club
-play Monopoly
-go to the bookstore
-play xbox
-go minigolfing
-ride bikes
-walk around downtown
-exchange celebrity gossip
-cannonball into the pool while he's floating and reading (RIP pool)
-hide doodoo flowers in each others pillow cases
-camp out the night before Easter
-roast mallows
AND as if we need further proof that my dad is the best, he is the one who taught me to drive, while my poor mother practically made a dent in my glovebox from trying to use the nonexistent passenger seat breaks. AND my dad went to every single one of my dance competitions and recitals for 8 years. He got up at 7am to watch a million dances, when I was only usually in 4 or 5, and stayed at the competition until after awards were over between 9 and 10pm.
SO, thanks Dad, for being the coolest dad around! I love you!
Also, my dad told me today that he reads my blog, so HI dad :)
As a single dad I am very happy to have what some would perceive to be a “small family”. three
ReplyDeletechildren, two dogs, one cat, and yes the pets are part of our family. It’s not the size of the
family that counts but the family inside that counts. Have a great day....
help for single Dads