Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The end of one stage, the beginning of another...

I want to start this post with an apology. If I ramble or don’t make sense it is because I am exhausted and haven’t made sense all day (see previous post for proof). But I’m gonna go for it anyways:

Summer is coming to an end. In the next few weeks, one of my best friends will be moving back to school and I will be making the move to Charlotte. This summer has been weird. It’s strange moving back home after college. It was strange traveling so much. And it’s strange to be moving and starting new school. I wasn’t quite sure about how I felt about the end of summer until recently. But I have decided that I’m sad and slightly scared. It’s the end of a lot of things. After middle school, most of your friends stay in the same district and go to high school with you. After high school, things start to change. Most of your friends go off to different colleges but we all come home to the same place. Now that college is over, we are all moving on. Spreading out. Yes, there will always be Wilmington to come back to, but will this place stay “home” for all of us? The future is uncertain for a lot of us. I trust my friendships and I know that they’re strong, but it’s still scary to think that we are splitting up and moving on in different directions. The end of this summer signifies the end of childhood (yes, I’m aware that I’m 22 and ‘childhood’ probably ended a while ago, but for the sake of my point just go along with it). So am I excited to move and start nursing school? Yes, of course! But am I sad to be leaving my best friends? Am I anxious to see where we all end up? Yes. So here's to bittersweet endings and new beginnings.


  1. Hey Brooke!

    Let me start off by saying I know this is probably really random, since you don't know me, but I hope it's okay for me to comment on here! I started following you on twitter from OTH and I have really enjoyed reading your blog/encouraging tweets. Anyway, after reading this post I can definitely relate to how you are feeling. Perhaps even try to offer you a little advice. I graduated from college a year ago (I'm 24), and like you had that same group of best friends from middle/high school. There are four of us and even though we went to separate colleges, it was definitely easier to stay in touch when we would see each other for weeks/months at a time over school breaks. I'm not going to lie, it is a little tough when people start jobs, grad school, etc. However, the best piece of advice I can give you (that I'm still trying to learn myself) is to realize that things won't always be the way they were before, and that's okay. I don't know about your group of friends, but with mine the four of us are all in very different places (working, grad school, boyfriends, etc). They are definitely still my best friends and are the first people I go to when I need advice, something major happens, etc. But it is hard to stay connected when so much is going on in each of our separate lives. A great thing to do is set aside a day a week for a phone call. Don't let too much time pass because you will just put it off waiting for the most convenient time to chat (there sometimes never is one!). Sorry for the most rambling post ever. I know it's scary when things change, trust me, I hate change and just am not good at it! But what I have learned most is to not fight change and accept it. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not. I spent so much time this last year scared and not really living. What has happened is that everyone around me kept living and I pretty much got stuck. So I'm just now embracing life. Don't get me wrong there are definitely days when I want nothing more than to be back in college! If you are even still reading this, that is great that you are starting nursing school! Where are you going? Since I majored in business in college, I am currently taking my pre-requisite classes to hopefully start an accelerated nursing program in January. Hope you have a great night!


  2. LC, thanks for the comment and advice! Good to know I'm not the only one who has a hard time with change! I will be at CPCC in Charlotte starting in August. I'm excited to be doing something I love, sad to be moving away from friends and a town that I love!!

  3. Um, I feel ya- I am nervous about starting the new chapter in my life. One I am secure in something that I am doing, I find change to be extremely difficult. It's just like you get into a routine and like is effortless (well, sort of/not really) but you know what I mean! lol

    I am excited to start a new chapter in my life, but at the same time...nervous/scared/excited/not excited...all at the same time.

    If you ever need anything, I'm here for you girl!! <3
