Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Colors?

"Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are--and aren’t--that you will truly succeed."
I love this quote. I wish that we could all live by this quote. I wish I could live by this quote. Just even the first sentence. Be confident. It doesn’t say try to be confident or maybe be confident. It is a direct request, a command. If only it were that easy to speak confidence into existence. The next part says “too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t”. First of all it says that comparing ourselves is a waste of time. How true. Don’t we all compare ourselves though? I can’t even begin to think of how many times I find myself comparing myself to other girls on TV or in advertisements. “If only I had hair like hers, or a waist like hers, or a face like hers”. Well, “everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses,” believe it or not! While you are busy comparing yourself to another persons appearance, maybe someone else is comparing themselves to you. Maybe someone longs to have legs like yours, even though you think they are lanky and chickeny. Or maybe someone admires your arms, even though you think they are too bulky and muscley. But better yet, what if someone admires your personality, your compassion or your sense of humor? When we truly know ourselves, inside and out, we can better understand our strengths and even being to accept our weaknesses. So why do we continue to compare ourselves to other people who are comparing themselves to other people and so on and so forth? Why can’t we accept that we are beautiful in our own ways with our own strengths and weaknesses? Why is it so hard to have confidence in ourselves? And lastly, is there really a person out there who has figured out the secret to understanding that true beauty comes from within? Would that person care to share? Don't be afriad to show your true colors!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, isn't this song "True Colors" on a movie as well. I am trying to think of it but I just can't place it right now... beautiful post, Brooke. I agree though. I only wish I could BE confident. I say that I will all the time, but really implementing it and having that full confidence is very difficult.

