Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be Kind. Please.

My thoughts on hate:

Today I was deeply saddened by some remarks on Twitter. There are some very cowardly and weak cyber bullies ganging up on a woman. They are hating and saying such hurtful things to this woman solely based on the fact that she is a lesbian. They are telling her that because of her lifestyle and sexual preference, she will get cancer, and that when she gets sick no one will feel bad for her because she will deserve it. They are also telling her to kill herself. I am honestly shocked watching all of this go down. If someone’s choices and lifestyle aren’t directly affecting you, then why must you judge them or hate them? If someone chooses a different way of life and you don’t agree with it (and it’s not doing harm to others), keep your mouth shut. I honestly believe that cyber bullying is the most cowardly act. Most of the time cyber bullies don’t actually personally know their victim, yet don’t agree with their lifestyle or simply just need a reason to put others down to make them feel better about themselves. Maybe the bully is lonely and acting out for attention, or maybe they have passionate views that disagree with others. No matter what the reason, bullying and hate are never the answers. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me? That’s a lie. Words hurt. And once they are out, you cannot take them back. So please, think before you speak. Be as open-minded and educated as possible before you say something that may seriously hurt someones feelings. It is absolutely 100% never okay to tell someone that their life is not worth living. Especially under the name of God. God calls us to love one another. In fact, Mark 12:31 says “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is not greater commandment than these.” So really who are we to judge others? Who are we to police other peoples personal choices and actions? Many times I think that social media is a great way to get connected with people from all different walks of life, however when clearly ignorant and hateful people use it in the wrong way, it just hurts my heart. So please. PLEASE. Be kind. And stand up to bullies. There’s no need to pick a fight and give them the attention that they are so desperately seeking. But go ahead and block them, report them, and make sure you are an advocate for love, not hate.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.. no pun intended. People have forgotten how to be kind to each other. It's sad. I was sickened by all of what was going on.
