Monday, April 25, 2011


Being a girl is hard. If you have ever overheard a typical teenage girl conversation, it probably sounded a little like this: (watch here). Unfortunately the nitpicking and self consciousness doesn’t magically disappear with age. As a woman, why is it so easy to see the beauty in other women and so hard to see the beauty in ourselves. I really do believe that a large part of being beautiful includes being self confident. So why is this so difficult? Why do we focus on the ‘my fingers are too fat, my eyes are too small, my butt is too big, my thighs are too fat, my bellybutton is too high’ kind of thoughts? How exhausting. For me personally, it is the easiest thing in the world to encourage other girls and speak of true inner beauty. And some days I find myself believing it. And then there are days like today. The days where you try at least 15 different outfits and find yourself sitting on your closet floor in a pile of clothes and frustration. When you feel like you can’t stand to look at your reflection in the mirror for one more second, and yet you keep looking for flaws. When you find yourself comparing yourself to everyone else. These are some of the hardest days, and the days that I really wish I could just crawl into bed, snuggle into my cocoon and magically wake up and emerge as a beautiful butterfly. Unfortunately, this is not a realistic option. So on those days when you are feeling the need to find every possible flaw on your body, know that you are not alone. Also know that you are beautiful. We all are beautiful in our own unique ways. But I guarantee you, there is something beautiful about everyone. So go youtube “Skin Deep” by Zoegirl and really listen to the words, or think of 3 things you like about yourself, and remember that you are more than the numbers on a scale, the tags on the clothes you wear, or the size of your pants.

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