Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I have a strange association with my local Walgreens. I didn’t realize it until today, but I do. As I drove in to the parking lot, my palms got sweaty, my heart began to race. What the heck, Brooke? It’s a Walgreens. It’s the Walgreens you’ve been to twice before to print out pictures before you left for Indiana...oh. Oh shit. You see, I’ve been to Indiana for treatment twice and both times a large packing priority of mine was physical pictures from home, since we can’t have phones or social media. I remember the past 2 years stopping at Walgreens to print out these physical memories to take with me. A tiny piece of home I clung to when my world felt like it was being tipped upside down. 
Today is different. Today I printed out pictures of me in my new home. I printed out 2 copies to send to the staff at Selah House to show them my progress. They have been there for my lows, I figured they might want to see a high for once. And while I still have bad moments and hard days, I’m currently feeling extra thankful that I’m mailing these pictures to Indiana instead of hand delivering them! 

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