Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Forever a child

Things that make you an adult:

1. Eating spinach on your sandwiches
2. Not crying while getting dressed in the morning
3. When you say “kids these days” and actually mean it
4. When your friends start getting married
5. When your friends start having kids on purpose
6. Not sitting at the kids table during Thanksgiving dinner
7. Not watching the Disney channel in your spare time
8. Knowing how to budget
9. Getting the newspaper daily
10. Having a set of good towels
11. Having Satellite radio
12. Listening to Howard Stern
13. Drinking hot tea
14. Being repulsed when people pass gas
15. Using words like "repulsed"

Reasons I am not yet a grown up:

1. I cry when I get dressed. My closet and lack of clothing options is overwhelming and I’m apparently emotionally fragile
2. I still sit at the kids table during Thanksgiving dinner.
3. I burn napkins, beans, and rolls over a candle at the kids table during Thanksgiving dinner
4. I watch the Disney channel in my spare time and even when I’m supposed to be doing other things
5. I don’t know how to budget. At all.
6. I don’t like the newspaper. The feeling of it makes me cringe. And I think it smells bad
7. I have a set of good towels that my mom bought me (so that probably doesn’t even count), but I hate them and I don’t understand the point
8. I’m going to a Justin Bieber concert in January
9. Most of my clothes are from Forever 21
10. I still like to do cartwheels in my back yard. And at the beach. And everywhere.
11. Because I have dance parties in my car to Taylor Swift and I've never seen an adult do that
12. I still get emotionally invested in shows on ABC Family
13. I don't own dress pants
14. I still think it's really really funny when people fart
15. I still use the word 'fart'
and most importantly...BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!

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